Your support system after sustaining an injury in an accident can be critical to your physical, mental, and legal recovery. The team backing you up in the midst of what may be one of the most difficult times of your life may include family, friends, and loved ones. It may include a dedicated personal injury to fight for your right to recover full and fair compensation after an accident. It is also likely to include a team of doctors and medical professionals committed to helping you recover your physical health after sustaining accident injuries. Communication with everyone in your support system is critical to maximizing their role in supporting and protecting you. Communication with your doctor is no exception.
How to Talk to Your Doctor After an Accident (and Why It’s Important)
Effectively communicating with your doctor after an accident is important on a number of levels. At one level, it is important that you are clear with your doctor about your injuries so that you can get the best medical advice and treatment possible. On another level, it can be critical to the strength of your personal injury claim that your medical records, often a reflection of your communications with your doctor, be clear, concise, and accurate in describing the extent and nature of your accident injuries as well as the level and type of care needed for you to recover from your accident injuries.
Medical records will play a vital role in supporting an injury claim after an accident. It is the key supporting evidence detailing your injuries and the treatment you received for those injuries. To help ensure that everything is most accurately reflected in your medical records, effective communication with your doctor is of the utmost importance.
Be candid with your doctor about your symptoms and the impact your injuries have had on your day-to-day life. Withholding details because you are trying to be tough or embarrassed about the impact your injuries have had on you will not serve you or your best interests. It is imperative that your doctor be privy to the details of your injuries. Your honesty is the only way they can really get the full picture.
Being precise and concise with the language you use with your doctor is also important. While you should be detailed in your descriptions with your doctor, focusing on a central point and being concise with your language will help ensure your points are clearly communicated and understood. Furthermore, it is important to understand that your doctor or medical professional is likely taking notes when you talk to them. The more concise and precise you are with your language, the more likely the notes and, in turn, your medical records, most accurately reflect your injuries and what you have been going through.
Personal Injury Attorney
Injury victims count on Attorney Michael LoGiudice to be in their support system after an accident. You can count on Attorney LoGiudice to be by your side and advocate on your behalf every step of the way. Contact us today.